Friday, November 7, 2008

Readings for week #9

How Things Work (part 1 and part 2)-
Actually, not a bad article considering that it was all in computer lingo. I really am impressed/fascinated with the entire notion of a computer program/algorithm that “crawls” through the content on the web. Of particular interest were the passages that explained how the search engine reject low-value content and save time by employing a number of techniques: skipping, early termination, etc. Also, I now understand what “caching” means!
Current Developments and Future Trends for the OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting-
A few months ago the above title may as well have been in a foreign language but I actually know what it means. I found the reading to be both interesting and informative. I found the three examples Open Language Archives Community (OLAC), the Sheet Music Consortium and the National Science Digital Library to be very impressive. I think trying to organize, not only the information, but information about the information to be a worthwhile project that will help provide some structure to the massive complexity of the web.
Through the OAI protocol projects, metadata will have a “standard” form that will make searching/browsing much easier. My only question- the article referred to “unqualified Dublin Core” a number of times-I know what Dublin Core is, but what does “unqualified” mean in this context?

The Deep Web-Interesting article about the unseen and unknown depths of the web. The article actually seemed to be an advertisement for Bright Planet, a company who is developing a multi-layered search technology just for the "Deep Web". Good job explaining the depth and complexity of the web.


Joan said...

HI Allison,

I enjoyed reading your comments about our readings. I also thought it very interesting reading about the crawlers and how they are able to access all the information about websites. I still am a little confused with all the OAI stuff. I did enjoy the sheet music reference. I have tons of music and it takes up a lot of space. Still, it I had a virtual filing cabinet full of sheet music, I would still have to access it, which means print it out so I can play it.
anyway, thanks for your explainations.
It was nice meeting you last weekend on campus.

jas292 said...

It's amazing how much technology has advanced and continuing to advance. By the way that is a good question concerning the unqualified Dublin Core. It was also nice meeting you last weekend.Did u decide which classes you want for Spring?

jas292 said...

I think the deep web was also interesting and the research company you mentioned. It seems the deep web is all research related. It was also nice meeting you last weekend.